
Anwser to Quiz Week 2 and plus Quiz Week 3 Bird ID

Last weeks bird was in fact a Juvenile Black Tern taken at Rutland Water Lagoon 4 in August 2012, well done to the following people who got it right Rob Stokes, Ben Moyes unlucky to those who got it wrong. (Sorry this is a quicky I just want to do it every weekend)

Here is the next two birds I thought it would be better to do two pics, and all comments will be shown this time next wee

1st Bird (all 3 are the same)

2nd bird


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the first picture is 3 Ring Ouzel, and the second picture is a Black Redstart. Cheers, Ben.

  3. Ring ouzel and black redstart

  4. 1st Birds I reckon are Ring Ouzels as the slight white wing flash gives it away a bit other than that they are dull in colour suggesting that they are females. The 2nd bird is dead easy as it is a Female Black Redstart and looks just like our stunning one at the Dam.

  5. Hello Toby, I found your Blog :)
    I know that the first birds are Ring Ouzels and the second bird is a Black Redstart because I was there when you took them.
